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Crisis Counsels from the Scriptures #3

The past two days in Crisis Counsels we considered the story of King Jehoshaphat, one of the most faithful of the kings of Judah, who confronted an enormous crisis when his country was subjected to a powerful invasion of foreign forces. II Chronicles chapter 20 describes how Jehoshaphat went to the temple in Jerusalem to pray.

In the first part of the prayer, Jehoshaphat looks to God in faith, and recalls that God is ever at work with saving power. Then Jehoshaphat concludes the prayer with one of the most memorable statements of the Old Testament: “We do not know what we should do, but our eyes, Lord, are fixed upon you.” (II Chronicles 20:12)

The question of “What should we do?” has been paramount these days. Confusion and uncertainty abound. We design one course of action to respond to the pandemic, and then another set of guidelines appears. The landscape shifts by the day and even by the hour. But there is one fixed point from which we can gain our ultimate wisdom and inspiration. When we fix our vision upon God, we find orientation that can help us rightly navigate through this and every crisis.

By trusting in God, Jehoshaphat had reason for confidence and hope, long before the answer to his dilemma appeared. We likewise can find strength and guidance and peace as we fix our vision upon the Lord.

Daily Prayer: Move us, O Lord, to lift our vision to You, that we may have the assurance of Your saving help. Click To Tweet
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