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The Meek Inherit the Earth

The idea of “blessing” is not much in vogue today. People want “the good life” more than “the blessed life.”

The “good life” is a long, pleasant life with lots of nice stuff. You gain it for yourself through your own effort and some good fortune. The good life is prosperity and relaxation extending well into old age.

Jesus did not live the “good life.”

The “blessed life” is a life of wholeness and purpose in fellowship with God. Blessing comes by the gift of God. We enter the blessed life as we receive God’s grace, offered to us in Christ, and follow Christ in faith.

The “blessed life” is a life of wholeness and purpose in fellowship with God. Click To Tweet

This is why Jesus’ description of the “blessed” in the Beatitudes sounds so different from what we think of as “the good life.” The blessed people are “the meek,” “the mourning,” and “the persecuted.” They are blessed because they are trusting in God and sharing in God’s purpose.

Much trouble arises in the world today because people are fighting for their share of “the good life,” rather than opening their heart to the blessed life that comes from the hand of God. Wherever we are in life, and no matter what challenges we face, we can be heading into a good future when we open ourselves to the eternal blessing that God intends for us through Jesus Christ.

Sunday’s Scripture Readings
Psalm 103:1–5
Ephesians 1:3–12

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