Site icon United Methodist Church of Kent

Sanctuary Window 3—The Leader of Man-C

Welcome back to Windows Wednesday! This week, we will examine the lowest portion of Sanctuary Window 3—The Leader of Man. This section displays the Holy Spirit in action today, displaying the leadership exemplified throughout the window.

The image is an adult Bible study group. Gathered around the table, they share fellowship, devotion, and reflection on the sacred text. Here at the church, we offer many opportunities, often with leadership from within the congregation, to study the Bible and prepare for leadership in worship and outside the church. Each year, Dr. Palmer offers Disciple I, which takes the class through the entire Bible, studying the various themes throughout and examining the threads that run through the Book from beginning to end. This year, Carol Pozuc, a member of our congregation, is leading Companions in Christ, a weekly study of devotional practices and living a prayerful life. We also offer University of Life classes each Sunday at 9:30 am and Bible studies at 10:30 am. There are various topics covered, but right now John and Sandy Kerstetter, also members, are in the middle of leading a class on Wesleyan theology called The Wesleyen Way. In addition to these official classes, the United Methodist Women have devotional time at each Circle meeting, and the adult music ensembles provide additional opportunities for reflection and praise. We are blessed as a congregation to have such diverse offerings to help us immerse ourselves in our faith and to provide leadership to others in their faith journey.

Click or scroll over the image below to see the artist’s design for this section.

And Jesus said, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one.” John 17:17–18, 20–21

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