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You Are Here on Purpose

Many people will tell you that you are here on this earth by accident, and that there is nothing “special” about human beings.

The Bible declares a truth that is transformational – that you are created by God in the image of God.

The Bible affirms that human beings are one with creation – created “out of the dust of the ground” – and at the same time the Bible proclaims that human beings have a spiritual nature, a kinship with God. This truth – that human beings have a unique, higher, spiritual nature – is evidenced on many levels. For example:

The Biblical truth – that we are “in the image of God” – makes sense out of all that we observe about ourselves.
When you take hold of the truth that you are created by God, it changes life. —Dr. David Palmer Click To Tweet Many voices today, of course, deny this truth, and want to insist that human beings are just physical creatures that randomly appeared on this earth. But when you take hold of the truth that you are created by God in the image of God, it changes life, in several key ways; for it means that . . .

The first truth of the Bible, proclaimed in its opening verses, lays the foundation for all the rest. It is the truth about who you are, and why you are here. You are not just here by chance. You are here on purpose. You are created by God, in the image of God. When you lay claim to that truth, it changes life.

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Genesis 1:1–5, 11–12, 24–27
Acts 17:26–28

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