Church members may use the facilities free of charge for non-profit–making, personal activities by adhering to these guidelines:

  • The use of any particular room must be approved in advance by the church office
  • Custodial charges will apply to all members for all events.
  • Kitchen may not be used without a Kitchen hostess present.
  • Adequate supervision must be provided for children
  • The use of alcohol or tobacco is strictly prohibited in the building
  • When reserving the facility on behalf of an organization, please see the following section.

Non-profit organizations may be granted use of the facilities by making arrangements in advance with the church office. The following guidelines apply:

  • The purpose of the organizations must be consistent with the mission of the church
  • The organization may not engage in any sort of gambling, which includes raffles or door prizes for which a fee is paid, or any smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages within the church building
  • The organization should expect to pay a fee for the custodian; see below
  • Adequate supervision must be provided for children
  • The facility must be left in order at the end of the activity
  • A room fee may be assessed, with the chart below being a reference.

Classroom: $25/hr (minimum of two hours)
Sanctuary: $300
Chapel: $200
Pierson Hall: $200
UCM Lounge: $100
Gym: $55/hr (minimum of two hours)
Parlor: $55/hr (minimum of two hours)

CUSTODIAL FEES: The custodial fee is $12 per hour for cleaning and locking up the building (minimum 2 hours).

KITCHEN HOSTESS FEES: The kitchen hostess fee is $12 per hour. Time will include one hour before event, the duration of the event, and one hour after the event finishes. (note: the kitchen may not be used and food may not be served unless the hostess is present)

LEADERSHIP: Groups using the building are expected to have one person who will take ultimate responsibility for the group’s use of the facilities. This person’s name should be on the building use form. Warnings will be issued if facilities are not used appropriately or adequately cared for during use. Repeat warnings may result in cancellation of the building use agreement and deactivation of entry device.

WEDDINGS: Because weddings involve many spaces throughout the church and several staff members, wedding pricing is not reflected above. Please contact the Business Manager for details on hosting a wedding ceremony/reception.