In Returning and Rest You Shall Be Saved

If there is any parable of Jesus that encapsulates the gospel, it is the parable of the prodigal son (see the story in Luke 15). The parable likewise encapsulates a key set of themes that run throughout the Old Testament prophets, namely: Human beings tend to wander away from...
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God’s Call to Keep On

Is life frustrating? Do you find yourself beset with obstacles and setbacks? Then you can identify with the prophet Ezekiel. At the very moment when Ezekiel was called by God to be a prophet—to speak God’s word to the people of Israel—he was also told by God that no one was going...
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The Vision of the Beasts

Does it seem that the problems of the world are endless and overwhelming? It certainly seemed so to the first readers of the book of Daniel. They lived during very dark times, when the faithful were persecuted. In Daniel chapter 7, the prophet Daniel describes a vision in which...
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Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters

What does it profit, my friends, if people say they have faith but do not have works? If someone is destitute of food, and one of you says, “Go in peace, be blessed” but you do not give them the things that are needed for the body, what good is it? Thus faith by itself, if it...
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Visions of Wrath and the Day of the Lord

How do you feel when you hear the day’s news—when you hear about brutal killings, or people running roughshod over the environment, or people being cheated and exploited? You likely feel anger, a sense of moral outrage! Given the fact that human beings are continually doing...
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The Vision of God

Do you feel at times that God is distant? Do have trouble at times understanding God? The prophet Ezekiel (600 B.C.) dealt with both issues. Disaster had fallen upon him and his people, and it seemed that God was far away. Then he had a vision, recounted in Ezekiel chapter 1. The...
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