Hope for the World

The Bible begins with the origin of all things: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . (Genesis 1:1)

The Bible concludes with a vision of the destiny of all things: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth . . . (Revelation 21:1)

God has a plan to lead God’s whole creation toward a bright and glorious future!

Sometimes people feel that the present age is a lost cause; but the Biblical message is quite the opposite – there is real hope for the world. God has acted for our redemption through Christ, and God’s Spirit is at work to bring us toward a wondrous destiny.

Therefore we need not lose heart, even when our present troubles are great. As the apostle Paul wrote, “I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)

We need not lose heart, even when our present troubles are great. Click To Tweet

And we need not give up on the world, but we can join with God’s Spirit to be at work to lead the world toward God’s intended goal, of wholeness and harmony for all.

We cannot yet see the details of the future; as Paul said, “Hope that is seen is not hope.” (Romans 8:24) “But,” he added, “We wait for it with patience.” (Romans 8:25) So we trust in God’s promise and live in genuine hope.

Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Romans 8:18–25
Revelation 21:1–7

About the Author
Dr. David A. Palmer has been the senior pastor at the United Methodist Church of Kent since 1995. He has a B.A. from Wittenberg University, a Master of Divinity from Duke University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary. A native of Wooster, Ohio, he has served three other churches in east Ohio before coming to Kent. He and his wife, Mavis, have three children.

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