December 5, 2021

For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light.

Luke 1:31

The mother and her little boy sat looking at the nativity they had just finished putting up on the table. They talked about each of the characters in the story of Jesus’ birth and the role they played. The mother was pleased because of the special moment they had shared. She was glad to re-enforce that wonderful story for her son.

Then the little boy said, “But Mom, you forgot Round John”. The mother responded, “Round John? There’s no one named Round John in the nativity story.” And then the boy answered, “Yes there is. What about the song — Round John, virgin, mother and child?”

So much for the special moment. But she will have a great story to tell on her son when he is grown.

Christmas is an interesting time of year for families with young children. You try to impress on your children the importance of the story of Jesus’ birth. But then there is that other story out there – – the Santa Claus one. And no matter how hard you try, the Santa story probably holds more interest for them because — you know — toys!!

But as they grow older, toys from Santa become less important. The Christmas story becomes more meaningful and the impact touches your heart deeper and deeper. It’s a great example of spiritual growth that we all go through.

Thought for the Day: Take a moment to think about the story of Jesus birth this holiday season and realize how the meaning of Christmas has changed for you over the years.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for your loving patience as we grow in Christian love and understanding.

Wanema Flasher,
Retired County Agent with Ohio State University Extension

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