November 30, 2021

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.

John 1:5

Advent is a season of light. And like the shepherds, and the wise men, and the people of long ago we are searching for that light. Especially over the last two years of dealing with the fears, and confusion, and darkness we feel as if we have lost our way. We are afraid of the dark of grief and sadness and loss.

And yet in the midst of all this chaos there is a single shining star beckoning us to a simple stable where a tiny baby is born. This blessed baby, Jesus Christ, is a messenger from God bringing us the light of an unbelievable, unconditional love, and calling us to BELIEVE and follow.

God calls us to witness this birth of life and love that has been there with God from the very beginning. He lights our path every day. Even when we stumble and perhaps lose our way for a time…even when we feel we are in the very depths of despair there is always a glimmer of Christ’s bright star to lead us home , to give us hope, and peace and life.
Let us, each one, in this season of joy and thanksgiving let the light of Christ shine though us to help others find their way.

Thought for the Day: The light of Christ has been here with us from the very beginning of time and can never be extinguished by darkness.

Prayer: We can never praise you enough or show our gratitude enough for the gift of your son, Jesus Christ. We humbly give you what we can as we do our best to follow the light of your way. May we experience and share in this season of exquisite light the peace and joy that only you can bring. Bless us each and every one. Amen

Judith Nedel, follower of Christ, Gramme, mother,
wife, advocate for social justice

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